Watching the Watchperson: Ethics & Peer Review

Organizers: Judith Currano, Philip Deshong, Pam Mabrouk

Wednesday, August 25, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM (EDT)

Description: Peer review is held to be integral to the chemistry enterprise, with the work of reviewers helping to improve the integrity, reproducibility, and readability of the scientific literature. As such, reviewers must adhere to many ethical responsibilities and practices. This symposium will explore the ethical codes that govern good peer review. We encourage papers on subjects related to ethical success stories (and failures) in peer review, as well as techniques used by reviewers, editors, and publishers to promote the success and protect the integrity of the review process.


10:30 AM Introductory remarks

10:35 AM How does peer review inform undergraduates’ writing? Pam Mabrouk

10:55 AM Educating a new generation of ethical reviewers. Judith Currano

11:20 AM What is the role of preprints in peer review? Benjamin Mudrak

11:40 AM Select crowd review: A smart new way to review scientific submissions. William Rossi

12:00 PM Paper mills: Detecting, investigating, and preventing systematic fraud in the scientific literature. Nicola Nugent

12:20 PM Discussion